
Showing posts with the label Polysulfide

Polysulfide Industry Size, Share, Demand, Sales & Growth by 2033

  Over the projection period,  sales in the polysulfide industry  are expected to increase at a CAGR of 3.5%. The market is predicted to be valued at US$ 3 billion in 2023 and US$ 6 billion by 2033. An emerging trend is the increasing use of polysulfides in the production of fuel-efficient tires. Polysulfides are used as a coupling agent in the production of silica-reinforced tire treads which reduces rolling resistance and improves fuel efficiency. A significant opportunity is the use of polysulfides in the production of biodegradable plastics. Polysulfides can be used as a cross-linking agent in the production of biodegradable plastics, which can replace traditional petroleum-based plastics and reduce environmental impact. There is a growing demand for polysulfide-based sealants and adhesives in the construction industry due to their ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions. Polysulfides are used in the aerospace industry to seal fuel tanks and hydraulic systems due