Ion Exchange Resins Market 2022 Outlook, Current and Future Industry Landscape Analysis 2026
While the global scenario of the ion exchange resins market reflecting the increasing use of ion exchange resins in power generation, followed by domestic wastewater treatment applications, the ion exchange resins market is subjected to a crunch due to the advent of alternative technologies that include electro deionization and reverse osmosis. The exceeding efficiency and advancement in technology are the major reasons why consumer preferences are shifting from conventional ion exchange resins towards these new alternatives. Ion Exchange Resins Market to register moderate growth owing to changing preferences This shift of preference is projected to affect the ion exchange resins market adversely and further deteriorate the pace of expansion of ion exchange resins market. Owing to this scenario, the ion exchange resins market is expected to project a moderate growth with a CAGR of 5.4% over the forecast period of 2016 to 2026. Owing to these factors the accumulati...